“白手套”服务指的是提供高度细心和注重细节的援助. (Learn more about the term and its origins below.) In specialty crating, packaging and shipping, those descriptions certainly apply, but the term can also mean an extension of typical services.

For example, 标准运输通常包括将物品从原产地运送到目的地, and then letting the customer take it from there. 白手套服务指的是物品到达目的地后的服务, 它们是由2021十大正规彩票app物流公司(如crater)拆箱拆包装的 & 如果货物需要安装,公司也可以处理.

Not every shipment needs white-glove delivery service. 任何信誉良好的公司的“标准”2021十大正规彩票app服务都是由技术熟练的人提供的, attentive teams that are focused on protecting items from damage. But for those shipments that do call for white-glove service, it’s important to work with a specialty crating, packaging and shipping company that offers that level of care.

Who Needs White-Glove Shipping Service?

白手套运输服务对某些个人或组织尤其重要. For example, you may need white-glove service if you:

  • 一个拥有昂贵艺术品、古董或其他不可替代物品的人. And “expensive” often means the cost of the item, 但是,货币价值最小但情感价值高的东西可能是白手套运输的候选者.
  • Own an art or antique gallery. 即使是一次交付导致宝贵资产受损,也会损害画廊的声誉. 因此,画廊老板倾向于使用白手套送货服务. 这样做也向顾客传递了一个强烈的信息:我们致力于让您的艺术品或古董在离开我们画廊时保持原样.
  • Manufacture fine furniture. High-end furniture items are works of art in their own right. 购买礼品的客户希望礼品能得到最周到的服务,并对收件人的家庭或商业环境给予高度的尊重.
  • Build or remodel high-end properties. 专门从事定制住宅或商业空间的承包商和建筑商经常使用白手套服务来交付昂贵的材料,如定制材料, 手工制作的壁炉罩或独一无二的大理石台面.
  • Are an interior designer. 如果你是一名设计师,为需要昂贵家具的个人或公司设计项目, it’s a good idea to use white-glove delivery services. 你最不想看到的就是因为昂贵的物品在运输过程中损坏而导致项目延迟或你的声誉受损.

white-glove services

Preparing for White-Glove Delivery Service

If you choose to use white-glove delivery service, 当然,您希望尽您所能,使送货团队能够安全有效地将物品送到您的企业或家中. For example, 你应该从入口点到你想让船员放置箱子或板条箱的地方清理出一条路. This includes removing rugs, cords and other tripping hazards. From there, 你还需要确保在开箱点和放置物品的地点之间没有障碍物.

如果需要,你还应该准备好帮忙覆盖地板和其他表面. The delivery crew may prefer to take care of that themselves, but it never hurts to have a plan for protecting your floors, walls, doorways, etc.

你的装箱和运输公司可能会要求一个成年人在场,当他们到达的货物. 即使他们没有,如果出现问题,有人在那里也是有帮助的.

About the Term “White-Glove”

作为一家长期提供白手套送货服务的公司, our customers will sometimes ask us about the term itself. Different sources have different definitions, of course. 《十大网赌靠谱信誉平台》将白手套定义为“提供非常高水平的服务”, or involving a lot of care about small details.” Dictionary.com says that white-glove means “meticulous; painstaking; minute” (as in minute detail).

Farlex的《2021十大正规彩票app》中的一个定义有一个元素,我们认为特别适合我们的工作. They define white-glove as “marked by extra attention or respect.“我们认为,在处理一个组织或个人的珍贵财产时,尊重是至关重要的, and also when entering their place of business or home. 我们的工作人员从未忽视这样一个事实,即他们以白手套服务处理的货物对收货人和发货人尤其重要.

As for why the term white-glove is used, 许多人认为,这可以追溯到欧洲贵族要求家政人员在处理昂贵的银制餐具时戴上白手套,因为银制餐具会因接触皮肤而变色. And while gloves of any color could achieve that goal, delivery teams to this day tend to use white gloves!

white-glove services

Ask About White-Glove Services

白手套服务通常用于昂贵和/或易碎物品. 然而,成本和脆弱性有时对局外人来说并不明显. This is especially true when, as noted above, 一件看起来并不昂贵但却具有很高情感价值的物品.

通常,专业的包装和运输公司会告诉你他们的白手套产品. However, 如果他们没有,你想知道你的项目是否需要这项服务, you should bring up the topic yourself.

What Does White-Glove Shipping Cost?

Because of the extra time and effort involved, white-glove shipping costs more than standard shipping. 成本的差异是基于一些因素,包括:

  • The size and dimensions of the item(s) being shipped. 如你所料,一件物品的重量会影响它的运输成本. 形状不寻常的货物在准备运输和运输时可能更具挑战性, consequently, involve a higher fee also.
  • The pickup and delivery locations inside a home or business. If a crew must, for example, 当拿起或递送白手套货物时,要穿越多段楼梯, that will factor into the price.
  • The accessibility of the pickup and delivery locations. 靠近主要城市或机场会影响白手套送货成本.

无论白手套2021十大正规彩票app服务的增量成本增加是多少, 对于眼光敏锐的利益相关者来说,很容易看到这是一项值得投资的资产安全以及托运人和收件人的便利.

Contact your nearest Craters & Freighters location to see if they offer white-glove shipping service in your area.

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